Monday, January 09, 2006

See ya in NC!

It's weird. The kids left today to go to be with their buddy Logan and were so excited to go where toys weren't taped up in boxes! It occurred to me only after they left that they were leaving the house for the last time. That was a sad realization for me. Even in the less-than-three years we've been here, we've had some history. Austin was only 4 when we moved in and Lindsey was 2. A few months after we moved in, Reece was born!

The house is completely packed up. Well--ok, not the computer. Not yet. But, the itinerary is set and the truck is due here tomorrow (10th) and we plan to leave on Wednesday (11th), stay over night in Wytheville, VA, should be in Raleigh by Thursday (12th) and moving in by Friday (13th).

We appreciate your prayers as we maneuver through this transition. Top on my list is quick acclimation to the church and the area for the kids, and friendships for Janet and me.

We will miss our Ohio friends dearly and we love you all!


Rob Eubank said...

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

This has always been a favorite of travels, Brian!


Anonymous said...

When you get there tell Goober I said "Hey!"

Love you guys!


Anonymous said...

Call us soon!!! Hey Linz~ HBR