After being snowed in Dec. 26th we left a day later and went to see Brian's family in PA. in the picture above is Granddad and below is Brian's sister, Sharla, with the twins from the D.R. It was a second round of Christmas presents for us and the kids sure didn't mind a bit..

Austin had to open several boxes to get to a gift card for Game Stop.

While we stayed at the Grandparent's house, we spent time traveling to see Aunts, Uncles, cousins, etc. Here is Brian's cousin, Angela, with her daughter, the twins, and Reece. More presents and toys to play with.

After a brunch at Aunt Joelle's we went on to see Granny. We spent the rest of the afternoon and supper with Granny. I highly recommend spending time with older generations. It is good medicine for the soul. I think I laughed (the kind where you laugh so hard you cry) a good couple of hours listening to Granny.

Reece and the twins LOVE any toy that has wheels on them so they were very content to play with cars and trucks the whole time. West Chester had also gotten some snow and to see the twins (who live in Texas) rush out to jump in the snow was priceless.

Cars, cars, and more cars..

Even Brian jumped into the fun of cars and tracks.

At home the kids quickly unpacked their Christmas presents and were thrilled. Here is Lindsey with her new art set from Grandmom and Granddad.

A kid's cookbook from them as well..

Anything with wheels brings out a huge smile..

Aw.....New Year's Eve. Sweet New Year's Eve.. We slept in and played Angry Birds just because we could.. We cuddled and hugged our kids a lot. Took down our decorations and played with Christmas toys.

We had our traditional Chinese and played games the rest of the night.

I must say it is SO nice having older kids and being able to play more than Candy Land.

Did you all know that QI is actually a word? The kids sure had fun hearing Brian and I go back and forth on what constituted a word. What did we ever do without dictionary.com on our phones?

Reece loves his new remote control car from Granddad and Grandmom.

Jenga is serious business around here...

The kids wanted me to wake them up at midnight and I went in to hug and kiss all of them, but I don't think they remember that.
Didn't take pictures of New Year's Day, but it couldn't have been better. We spent the day with our church and TKD friends Kevin, Marsha, Brooke, and Bailey. Kevin cooked all kinds of barbecue and baked chicken. He also made homemade potato salad, homemade coleslaw and peach cobbler. He spoiled us with all his cooking! The kids played in their woods ALL afternoon and built some bridges over the creek. I can't believe it kept them happy and busy the entire day and evening.
Once again we forgot our manners and talked the day away into the evening hours. When we did leave we found that the kids were not only out playing in the dark (we were fine with that part), but it was pouring down rain. Thankfully it was in the 60's that day and they had a wonderful time getting all soaking wet. It was so nice to just sit and share the day with Kevin and Marsha. Sweet people that we are privileged to call friends.
Well....staying up to the New Year just about did me in. Brian did shake me awake to see the excitement in NYC -- I'm such a party animal. I hope you all have a wonderful New Year's!!