Thursday, October 09, 2008

What are we going to do with this girl?

A few days ago Lindsey (our dare devil child and monkey) landed quite hard on her left arm. Cried and cried over the pain. Soon settled down and went back to playing. Over the next few days she would occasionally 'lose it' over pain in that arm. Always hard to know what to do in these situations, but Brian and I decided to have it looked at. Here's the problem....Lindsey LOVES to go to the doctor. We spent all morning going from the doctor to the radiology building for x-rays. Lindsey loves to get herself weighed, temperature taken, blood pressure checked... the whole 9 yards. She couldn't wait to share, with the doctor, what had happened. When we went to the next building, she played eye-spy with two gentlemen and a lady in the waiting room. She drew all three of them pictures and they all promised to put them on their refridgerators. She loved getting an x-ray and being fussed over. Getting suckers and stickers as rewards were worth the trip itself. Well......the results came back that nothing is wrong with her arm.

Of course I am very thankful for that, but I really think we need to figure out a way to not make this such an exciting thing for her. I know her arm has hurt her terribly -- so she certainly was not faking that and she has quite the bruise to prove it. But she does, at the slightest ache or pain, want to head right to the doctor's office. It almost has me not always trusting the severity of her aches or pains. I thought kids were NOT supposed to love it when you said they had a doctor's appointment. Not Lindsey.

Well....on a good note I still got through all of school (school can still happen in the waiting room and I took full advantage of that time so we didn't miss a beat.) and Lindsey got a $20 sucker (cost of our co-pay) for our morning out.

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The Hilemans said...

My A LOVES the doctor, too. If she's sick and I decide we need to go, just mentioning it seems to make her do a 180. She plays doctor all the time around here. :)

Anonymous said...

hmmm.... I remember that please!