Sunday, February 15, 2009

Parties for the parents.

As I mentioned in my last post. You can never party too much for Valentine's Day -- or Valentine's weekend. With the Grandparents in town, we took full advantage of their awesome babysitting skills. Friday night Brian surprised me with dinner out at a Japanese restaurant. This is a place where they cook the meal right in front of you. We had the same restaurant in Ohio and Brian knew I would love this for Valentine's weekend.

They call that orange contraption, that is holding my chopsticks together - "cheaters". Brian did not use cheaters like I did, but at least I didn't use my fork the whole night.

For Valentine's night, Brian had a one hour gig at a Cuban Restaurant. It was playing in a salsa band. The gig didn't start til 11p.m. but we still made a night of it. It has been SO long since I've been to one of Brian's gigs. It was fun to meet the other wives/girlfriends and hang with them as the band set up and played. Salsa is recently something that Brian has taught himself. It is quite hard in that it is constantly 16th notes and a fast tempo. Brian's fingers actually ached afterwards. And we were laughing so hard because I think we were the only couple that stuffed kleenex in our ears to protect them from the volume. I'm sure it isn't proper etiquette to keep pulling kleenex out of my ears when I was visiting with people. Oh well....I'd like to still hear when I'm 80. I loved the maracas, congo drums, trombones and singers. SO different from the jazz gigs. I guess a musician can always reinvent himself and that's Brian.

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1 comment:

emily said...

That's cool. Way to go, Brian! I wish I could hear him play some salsa. Got any recordings?