Tuesday, March 03, 2009


On Tuesdays and Thursdays the Y offers kid's Yoga and Pilates. Lindsey absolutley loves these classes. She loves that she gets to go downstairs in the Y (where only the adults go usually). She always wants to see where Brian and I work out. She jumps all around before class and it just intensifies after class. Tonight she flew into Brian's arms to tell him all about her Yoga class. I can't imagine another person being more excited about going to an exercise class. It will be so awesome, when she is 11 years old, and she'll be able to join me in my step and muscle classes. I'll love being "Y" buddies with my girl.

For those of us who don't know Yoga, this pose is called "down dog".

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1 comment:

rabbimeg said...

What kind of "down dog" are you? I think you would look good as a little Boston terrier or a toy collie. What do you think?