October 23, 1998
I'm excited to talk to Brian and find out that tomorrow will be the day for their baby's birth. They were told to report to the hospital at 6:30a.m. Oct. 24th for induction. She is already 1 week overdue and cervix is 3 cm and 70% effaced. When I hang up I am looking forward to tomorrow but also pray that Janet will be in early labor by the time she reports to the hospital. I know things usually go more smoothly if the body is really in labor.
October 24 6:30a.m.
I arrive at Akron City Hospital OB and inquire if Janet has arrived yet. They don't have her listed for induction today and ask if I'm sure she is delivering there. I assure them she is and then visit with the nurses while we wait for Janet and Brian to arrive. I ask if Linda Tober is working today. I'm thrilled to find out that she is and that they will try to give her to Janet as a labor nurse.
Janet and Brian arrive with Janet's parents. They were delayed because they initially parked in the wrong parking garage. Actually the delay gave me needed time to introduce myself to the hospital staff since I have not been a doula there before. God's timing is amazing!
7:00 a.m.
Janet's folks are in the waiting room settling in. Linda Tober arrives in the labor room. She will be with us until 7 p.m. She shares that this is an extra day for her to work. She had originally been off but came in extra. We hug and say thanks to the Lord for showing us so clearly He cares.
Another nurse, Ruth Stein, who is an LPN comes into the room a short time later with Linda. Linda just wanted us to know that Ruth was there because she goes to the Chapel. Before she leaves the room I ask her to join us for prayer. We all join hands and I pray for the Lord's protection and the wisdom and skill of all of us assisting Janet in Labor and birth.
Linda gets Janet all set up for labor with the fetal monitor and explains how the day will probably begin. The baby's heartbeat is strong at around 140-150 and he is really active. The monitor shows that Janet is already in early labor! She is having contractions every 3-5 minutes. Janet doesn't really feel them at this point.
Linda examines Janet. She is 3+, the cervix is posterior 50% effaced. The exam is not very comfortable because the cervix is so posterior. Janet does a wonderful job of relaxing and remaining composed. Linda starts the IV pitocin. After this procedure Janet feels overwhelmed and needs time alone with Brian so I leave for a short time. I go out and visit with Janet's folks.
Grandma and Grandpa come back to the room with me to see Janet for a little while. Janet's Dad says this is their first grandchild. They are both so excited to see their "baby" have her first baby but concerned for her. Janet reminds all of us that she has a low pain tolerance and her folks confirm that. I assure her we will help her as much as we can to manage the pain.
9:15 - 11:15 a.m.
Janet is on her left side resting with the video "In His Presence" running. We have the sound off on the video and have a CD of jazz playing. I give Brian some lotion and we each massage one of Janet's hands. She isn't using any special breathing at this point. After awhile we do some walking out to the waiting room to visit with her parents. Contractions are lasting a full minute now every 3 min. but Janet can still walk, talk and laugh through them.
Linda comes to check on Janet and recommends that we continue to walk.
Janet and Brian are working very well as a team and need some time alone. Janet's folks ask if they could treat me to lunch in the cafeteria. I agree since Janet is handling her contractions well and it is nice to talk with Grandma and grandpa more.
Brian now takes a lunch break and goes outside on this beautiful fall day to take a walk. The break is good for him! This is hard work emotionally and physically for his as well. Janet and I walk the halls with her mom joining us. We check out all of the cute baby gifts in the gift shop on the OB floor. We find we can even walk over 2 elevated walkways between the hospital and the medical office buildings. We stop some now for contractions because they are getting harder.
Linda check Janet and increases the pitocin. Janet still doesn't need special breathing techniques but does need to focus more to be able to relax. She is now 4+ cm and the cervix is less posterior and is 75% effaced. We try different positions to relax, the hand vibrator on her back, the warm rice sock, the wooden ball massager and lotion on Janet's back. They all help, but contractions are getting harder.
The resident comes into the room to rupture the membranes to get the contractions more effective. Janet is really apprehensive but with Brian by her side she handles the exam well. It's time for a few tears and that is OK. It has been tough today and tears help get rid of some tension and frustration. We discuss waiting longer for the epidural so she can walk more.
Nubaine in the IV gives Janet some rest now. The contractions are hard every 2-3 min. lasting a full 60 seconds. We do pattern breathing and massage an she leans on Brian for every contraction.
Contractions are hard and close. Linda checks and Janet is 6cm and not posterior any longer and the baby is definitely lower in the pelvis. Her planned epidural happens now. Janet's Dad comes in for a visit to check on his girl.
6:30 p.m.
Janet has been sleeping and Brian has been resting on the couch. Brian uses the warm rice sock on his tired shoulders. I check in with Janet's folks in the waiting room and few times to let them know how she is doing. Linda checks her before her shift is done and Janet is 7-8cm. Good news! Linda talks to me about Janet's new nurse, Mary. She has a lot of experience so we are in good hands.
Labor is progressing. Contractions are every 2 to 2 1/2 minutes lasting 60-90 seconds. Mary checks Janet and she is 9cm. Janet is feeling some back pressure which is a good sign. I say a silent prayer for Janet that she will be able to complete birth soon. She is cooperative but a little teary eyed as she is getting tired.
Finally the cervix is completely dilated! Mary tells us that she will call Dr. Jadallah and then be right back to assist with pushing. What a relief that Janet can now start pushing. Mary asks her to start pushing semi reclined so that she can be check for progress. Once she is sure Janet is moving the baby down she can move to a more upright position if she can support her weight.
10p.m. Janet is getting tired as she pushes, with each contraction, using the squatting bar.'
Janet is exhausted and becoming more uncomfortable. Brian and I both rest on the bar in between contractions feeling pain for Janet.
When Dr. Jadallah arrives he is very gentle and encouraging. He increases the pitocin to make the contractions for effective.
Janet is doing a wonderful job of pushing with every contraction, but her back is hurting her. It is hard to see her teary eyes and to look at Brian as he feels for her pain. His presence gives her such strength. It is frustrating that the baby is not moving more. The baby's heartbeat looks OK but is slowing periodically.
Dr. Jadallah gently tells Janet and Brian that he would like to try and assist birth by using the vacuum extractor. He explains that in spite of great pushing efforts by Janet and good contractions the baby just doesn't seem to be moving down for birth as he should. He says that if that doesn't work he will have to consider doing a cesarean. I can sense Janet and Brian's fear but I know the Dr. is right. 3 hours of pushing is a long time!
The next few minutes are kind of a blur. Dr. J. has to work very hard with the vacuum and he has a resident come in and apply pressure on the uterus from above. That is very hard to see being done. I hold Janet's hand and ask Brian if he is ok. He is but feeling her pain so much! As the baby's head comes out it is obvious that he weighs much more than the expected 7 - 7 1/2 lbs. The Dr. needs to get his shoulders out. Dr. J. says what he wants and I relay the message to Janet.
OCTOBER 25 at 12:02 a.m.
Austin Keith is born! He is HUGE and has lots of hair. He is up on Janet's chest for awhile and then he is taken over to the warmer to be suctioned and evaluated. Janet is so exhausted and yet so thankful. I go out to tell her folks.
Grandma and Grandpa are so happy and so glad to know all is well now. When I come back to the room they have Janet more comfortable and up close with Austin. Dr. Jadallah tells Janet she did a wonderful job. He weighs 9-9 and is 22 inches long. Wow! The nurses all give Dr. J a hard time over his weight guessing and the room is filled with laughter as we hear of Austin's stats.
I leave for home as Janet is ready for some sleep. She has nursed Austin and the nurses plan to take Janet to her room. Grandma and Grandpa have thoroughly enjoyed holding Austin for the first time too. I leave very tired but so thankful for the Lord's hand of protection on the Megilligan family today.
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3 months ago
Isn't it amazing how well we remember that "experience" yet not feel the pain?! And what a wonderful outcome!
WOW, just WOW!!!
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