Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Streetmans come for a visit

This past weekend we had a great visit from a college friend (and one of our bridesmaids) drive through Raleigh, and pop in for a visit. Heidi's husband (Paul) is in Iraq this year and so it was Heidi and her 4 kids who were here. The kids had never met each other and it has been since Cedarville's 10 year reunion that we had seen Heidi --- so this was a special treat! We had lots of fun just hanging out and we spent the entire Saturday at Marbles Museum. The kids had such a great time together and it was wonderful catching up.

Playing a 'life size' chess game

Reece, Micah, and Lindsey in the back of an ambulance.

Lindsey and Reece working at a grocery store.
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1 comment:

Heidi said...

Hi, Megilligans! I just checked your blog tonight for the first time and saw the pictures of the kids together. What a great time we had with all of you. Your family is a treasure! God's blessings to you, dear friends! --Heidi