Sunday, January 04, 2009

Praying BIG for my kids for this New Year and their whole life...

I've been more and more convicted that my prayers, for my kids, need to be BIG. I loved reading a letter that an Englishman, Forbes Robinson, wrote in a letter and thought I'd share it here and also 'live it' in my prayer life for my kids.

"I want you to be one of the best men that ever lived - to see God and to reveal him to men. This is the burden of my prayers. My whole being goes out in passionate entreaty to God that he will give me what I ask. I am sure he will, for the request is after his own heart.
I do not pray that you may succeed in life, or "get on" in this world. I seldom ever pray that you may love me better, or that I may see you oftener in this or any other world - much as I crave this.
But I ask, I implore, that Christ may be formed in you, that you may be made not in any likeness suggested by my imagination, but in the image of God - that you may realize not my, but HIS ideal - however much that ideal may bewilder me, however little I may recognize it when it is created.
I hate the thought that out of love for me you should accept my presentation, my feeble ideal, of the Christ. I want God to reveal his Son to you independently of men - to give you a first-hand knowledge of him whom I am only beginning to see.
Sometimes more selfish thoughts will intrude, but this represents the main current of my prayers. And if this is to be won from heaven by importunity, by ceaseless begging, I think I shall get it for you!" Forbes Robinson
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anthonyandbeth said...

i love this Janet! we do need to pray BIG for our kids! thanks for the reminder!

rabbimeg said...


Though I've not seen this prayer before (excellent, by the way), I think in many ways I have prayed that for you, Brian and Sharla. I have also seen God answer it in many ways already. Each of you have expanded the concept of godly living and seizing the moment in far greater horizons than Toni or I could have imagined. To see it carried through to the next generation is a bonus.

Sarah Kornegay said...

I love this prayer! Wow!

Rob Eubank said...

No doubt...that you and Brian's parenting will bring this prayer to fruition for your kids...Happy New Year to you all!