Saturday, December 05, 2009

"little female"

Tonight Austin and Reece are at an overnight birthday party, Brian is out with a college buddy -- so Lindsey and I decided that we needed to go out for some "girl time". The problem was telling Lindsey about our girl's night a few days ago. I told Lindsey she'd be able to pick what we did for the evening and she changed her mind right up until 15 minutes before we left to go out.

Let's's a little bit of what she decided we should do: Jelly Beans Roller Skating, Jumping Beans Inflatables, Chuckie Cheese, go out to a movie, etc. I finally had to tell her that she needed to settle on something because it might very well determine what clothes I would wear. Here is what she decided to do. Go to the mall and eat McDonalds. After all those other choices -- that is what she picked. I think the thing she really loved the most was talking non-stop during our meal. After that she was SO happy to ride the escalater, throw a penny in the fountain and make a wish, and walk hand in hand looking at all the Christmas decorations. When she is a teenager, and the escalater no longer thrills her, but things that cost big bucks do, we'll ban the mall for those years. :)
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Sandy said...

These 1-on-1 times are precious, no matter what the activity. Enjoy!

emily said...

You know what they say, it's a woman's prerogative ...