Please feel free to read this post and learn from my mistakes. Let me back track a couple of months. Somehow our only wall, with wallpaper, got ripped. I won't name names, but I'm pretty sure someone - who is under 4 ft. tall - did this.
Well...this past Saturday I was starting to get stressed about our upcoming week. So...what do I FINALLY do but start the LONG, MESSY process of ripping all the wallpaper off our wall. It was actually fun for the first 15 min. and then I was calling in reinforcements: Austin, Lindsey and Reece. Isn't this one of the biggest reasons for having children? Slave labor..... :)
They actually had a great time with this and more hands make the work much easier.
Well....I did find out that those bumps can be caused by stress and so I concluded that there was my own diagnosis. The worst time was probably going to church because it was painful to talk, but I hate missing the blessing of Sunday worship. Thankfully now it is all better.
On a good note, the family passed our Tae Kwon Do testing and we went back, Sunday afternoon, to spend an hour and 15 minutes practicing our kicks. Being with Tae Kwon Do buddies twice a week, kicking and punching and yelling......this has become a good way to relieve stress. Can't wait for tonight's class! I also highly recommend a bubble bath, a good book, definitely more time with God, and just sitting on the deck soaking in the spring time sun. Beware of doing projects, during a stressful week, that adds to your burden. Lesson learned here. :)
oh Janet! why do we do that? start projects in the middle of stressful times??? i do it too and maybe it is our own strange way of coping. thinking about the project rather than the "cause" of the stress??? i don't know. but i'm glad you have gotten it done.
funny thing. i have also learned NOT to google any health problems. talk about freaking a girl out! Harrison was complaining of hip pain a while back and that googling did nothing for him OR for me. :) and that pain is gone of course. :)
and, i have two bumps on my tongue right now. they are killing me. almost like irritated taste buds but they are killing me. could i have some of that stress too??? i think maybe i do.
I informed my doctor today that I had googled a diagnosis for myself and she asked if I had gone to medical school. Apparently I was off base. Slightly. By a mile.
I sure hope you are feeling better!
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