Monday, October 26, 2009

So Thankful!

The UPS guy stopped by our house tonight with a Gymboree order from Aunt Nar. Christmas has arrived early with a 'fall clothing' shipment for the kids. We are so thankful for Aunt Nar who has clothed our children for several years. It gets even better. Aunt Nar buys everything on her Gymboree Visa for all those awesome gym bucks and then she even lets me get online to shop for these clothes. It is just SO MUCH fun! And, to say the least, a huge blessing to our family. Thank you SO MUCH Aunt Nar. There aren't words to express our gratefulness!
Sorry for the shadow, but this was what Lindsey picked to wear for all the Christmas festivities.
The girl is in heaven....

Reece gets just as excited as Lindsey does.
These kids love taking everything out of their packaging and they still enjoy sitting in the boxes.


anthonyandbeth said...

truly a blessing! and i know aunt Nar gets blessed just seeing those sweet faces having so much fun with all of that! just thrills her heart i know! :) i loved Lindsey's dress on Sunday...was that part of the shipment? :)

Sherri said...

You need to sell raffle tickets for the kids' hand-me downs. I'll take 100 tickets please.

Aunt Nar said...

I have the most fun seeing the "style" show, and of course the "couch display." It makes it even more fun for me that you do all the work - the selection process is the hardest!! Keep the gymbuck coupon, and let me know when we can redeem them for Christmas!!